Ending Self-Violence

Many are unaware that at IMPACT we not only teach students techniques to prevent or defend themselves against violence from others, but we also give them tools to address the internal violence that they experience every day.

Think about it.  Who was the last person who called you fat or ugly, called you stupid for something you thought, or found a flaw and wouldn’t let go?  If you’re like most of us, it was that negative voice inside.  At IMPACT, we call it the “internal mugger” or “internal assailant.”  Our Suited Instructors like to joke that it’s their jobs to “assault” the students and that students should leave those thoughts alone.

It’s true.  The violence that we inflict upon ourselves can be just as disabling as the violence that we can experience or have experienced at the hands of others.  There are many good books that look at the source of this negative voice, but imagine a life – or just a day – where you didn’t have that cruel voice inside.  Just as you imagine a world without fearing violence from others, imagine a day where you used the verbal skills learned in class to compassionately tell that inner assailant to leave you alone.  Imagine speaking to yourself using the words and tone you deserve.

If we want to eradicate violence in the world, we must start with ourselves.  Don’t just say “no” to violence.  Say “no” to all forms of violence, including violence against yourself.