Safety is the foundation of success. Resolve’s Powerful People and IMPACT:Ability programs teach people with disabilities, schools, and nonprofits to understand and prevent abuse.
Numerous studies show that people with disabilities are at significantly higher risk of experiencing abuse than people without disabilities. Our programs increase protective factors and reduce risk factors for people with disabilities by teaching them skills to protect and advocate for themselves as well as promote a positive sense of identity.
Abuse is not inevitable. We all have the ability to stop it.
People with Disabilities Learn to Protect and Speak Up for Themselves
- Hands-on self-defense and self-advocacy training
- Self-protection strategies for situations that involve both strangers and familiar people (such as relatives or caregivers)
- Reporting unsafe situations to trusted people
Teachers and Service Providers Learn to Recognize Abuse
- Understanding abuse
- Responding effectively to abuse reports
- Creating environments where safety and opportunity are the norm
Organizations Develop Policies and Practices that Prevent Abuse
- Agency leaders establish clear policies to reduce abuse and empower people to report
- Abuse prevention trainings create a culture of safety
Please contact Scott Harrison at scott@resolvenm.org for more information or to schedule programs.